When shopping for a family pet, one of the most basic considerations aside from their health and appearance, is the cat’s temperament and personality. Families with multiple children and frequent visitors will likely want a cat who will engage socially, express affection, and enjoy ample attention from both from visitors and from their family. When choosing a new cat for your home, consider the felines which rank as the friendliest of breeds.

Abyssinian: The uncontested favorite, the Abyssinian always makes it on the “friendliest cats” list. Their inquisitive personalities make them perpetually interested in what we humans do. They are very active, love to socialize and are affectionate creatures.

Ragdoll: The easy-going Ragdolls are content to be carried and petted by humans of all sizes, proving themselves as the perfect breed for children. They are smart kitties, who like to please their owners, and can also learn to play fetch.

Sphynx: Hairless sphinx cats don’t seem to discriminate between their owners and strangers –gladly welcoming love and affection from anyone. They like to cuddle and are known for following humans around the house, and staying as close as possible!

Birman: The blue-eyed Birmans do not like to be left alone, when there are humans to play with! They are active cats who enjoy the company of other pets and create strong bonds with their owners.

Persian: Though these long-haired beauties seem high maintenance, their need for affection is part of their charm. Persians enjoy lounging on laps and keeping their humans company. They have long been celebrated as a favorite household pet, from Ritz-y apartments in Paris, to rustic rural farms. Children enjoy brushing and playing with the luxuriant long coat, and these pampered kitties will soak in all the attention their can get!

Siamese: Known for being some of the more chatty cats, the sleek Siamese is a vocal communicator devoted to his owner. They love to be in the center of attention and always welcome social times and new visitors.

Burmese: The Burmese breed has been known to have no understanding of boundaries and personal space, meaning if you want a friendly and loyal sidekick, look no further than this people-pleaser.

Exotic Shorthair: Anyone owning an Exotic Shorthair knows that the adorable creatures are great conversation starters, with their sympathetic round faces, big eyes and short fluffy coats. They are also gentle, comforting and cuddly kitties that love snuggle time and affection.

Main Coon: One of the largest domestic cat breeds, Main Coons are spunky cats who love playing games with their owners, and are loyal house pets. Though they are friendly and social and less inclined to be aloof than other breeds. These brave kitties also are known for warding off rodents, which is a worthy quality as well!

Somali: Sleek Somali cats not only have friendly demeanors, but being related to the lively Abyssinians, they have pep and energy to spare. If there are fun activities going on, you can bet the Somali will be scampering in the midst of it, hoping to play.
These people-loving cats can be a demanding in the amount of attention they require, so be sure you are up for consistent, hands-on companionship when you consider buying one of these felines!