Dogs and cats have been pitted against each other for as long as we can remember, but not every canine breed is averse to living with felines. Some can co-exist peacefully, becoming close friends and cuddle-buddies with a cat. However, there are breeds that are more receptive to living with cats than others. In general, it is possible for MOST dogs to manage sharing a dwelling with a cat, as long as they were acquainted at an early age, and as long as they have been socialized correctly. But in certain cases even when a dog and a cat play together early on, there are still instincts a pet owner must be wary of, particularly if the dog is a hunting breed. While we acknowledge there may always be exceptions to the rule, below are the dog breeds least likely to cohabit peacefully with the feline folk.
8 Breeds That Dislike Cats
Smooth Fox Terrier: Terrier dogs in general are determined rodent chasers, who hunt and kill the vermin who scurry underfoot. This means that they have high prey drive, putting any other small animals in the house in jeopardy. (They may not be the best dogs for infants either!) Similarly, the Manchester Terrier is another breed who gets into trouble around cats.
Saluki: Looks can be deceiving, since the silky Saluki looks feminine and graceful, and hardly a threat to other animals. However these lithe dog have high stamina, with the ability to hunt speedy gazelles in Egypt. They are quick to dash after any animal fleeing them, which in a domestic setting is most often a cat!
Whippet: Like the Greyhound (another poor choice for a feline-filled home), Whippets were bred as speed racers, that would often test out rabbit hunting courses prior to their opening. These pups instinctively race after all small furry animals, so kitties have to be careful around such fast runners.
Plotts: These unusual dogs are a rather uncommon breed. Plotts have been prized hunting dogs for centuries, helping their owners catch boars, bears, wildcats, coyotes, and wolves. They are such a dauntless breed that many people only keep them as a hunting companion, and not as a family pets because of the threat they present to smaller domestic animals.
Schipperke: Feisty and vigorous, these black pups either originated from the spitz family (along with Huskies and Pomeranians) or from sheepdogs; no one is certain! But in either case, the Schipperke’s instinct is for speed, aggressive chasing and even some nipping at the heels. This could be downright terrorizing for any kitty in the vicinity.
Afghan Hounds: Afghan Hounds are not only known for being one of the LEAST intelligent dog breeds but they are also reputed for being pesky cat-chasers, no matter what their owners might do to discourage it. Unless you want a traumatized cat around, you had better keep these two animals separate.
Bedlington Terrier: The wooly-coated Bedlington Terrier has a very gentle temperament, and is a wonderful companion for children at play. But the terrier aspect of their heritage means that these dogs are also rodent hunters, and could easily mistake a cat for an object of pursuit.
Blue-Tipped Coonhound: Similar to the hunter breeds, hound dogs are scent-driven and will pursue the cat wherever she may be hiding. But the problem won’t be over, since the Blue-Tipped Coonhound is used to chasing his prey, and will contentedly wait as long as it takes for the kitty to surrender and come down off the shelf. If you are a feline-fanatic you would do well to avoid hound-dog breeds.
Other breeds that are not recommended for homes with cats: Schnauzers (Giant or Standard), Australian Cattle Dog, Alaskan Malamutes, Samoyed, Irish Wolfhound, Weimaraner, Greyhounds, Siberian Husky, Norwegian Elkhound, Pharaoh Hounds, and even some small breeds like the Yorkshire Terriers.